Sunday, 21 August 2011


You might be forgiven for thinking that I missed last week's post because I was on holiday. In actual fact, I was so behind on a deadline that the weekly post had to be abandoned. I have noticed that I'm the only one that seems to be crazily busy, and that everybody else is on holiday or taking things as easy as if they were.

In that spirit, I'll be minimal today. Today's picture is....

And today's poem is a one-word poem. I just haven't decided which word yet. What do you think is the best one-word poem? As an inspiration, here's a Spanish one by Miguel Hernandez:


Which means: "You made lightning."

Do you have any better ideas? Please avoid the obvious, such as 'love', 'God', etc.


  1. Ludicrous, Extraordinary, Stupendous

    I don't believe one word
    can be a poem
    you need a whole line
    at the very least
    maybe even a stanza
    or two or three

    then maybe you can
    call yourself a poem

    Margaret Fieland

  2. PS> Of course, I didn't follow the directions. I often don't.

  3. If one word contains in its letters all of the definitions and history of the word and in all of those meanings and context it fits your situation and feelings then I do think it is possible and I submit

